But Seriously

A Benefit Print Series

At this time in history, we could all use a good laugh. Humor plays an important role in our understanding of ourselves, our society, and the world at large. It breaks down barriers and creates common ground. It stimulates the imagination, provokes new insights, and spurs action.

But Seriously, Some Serious Business’ benefit print series, features artists that use humor and play to shine a light on the cultural, political, and emotional temper of our times. SSB has always taken humor seriously. The satirical name we chose in 1976 that poked fun at the “business” of art is even more relevant now.

First up is the cartoon by writer and artist Anthony Haden-Guest’s Corporate Culture which inspired the format of the prints. Drawn spontaneously on a dinner napkin at James’ Beach restaurant in Venice in 1995—it is a sardonic comment that reminds us that not much has changed.

Printed at Derriere L’Etoile Studios, these lithographs are a hybrid print/poster in an Edition of 50 printed on a 100% cotton dinner napkin and are made to be framed or simply push-pinned to the wall. Price: $100. All proceeds to go support SSB’s programming and SSB Away residencies.

But Seriously continues with a drawing by Karen FinleyExample of How to Arrange Books, 1993/2022. From her book Enough is Enough, published by Poseidon Press.

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