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Pyramid Cocktail Lounge Book

  • We Started a Nightclub - front cover

    “We Started a Nightclub”: The Birth of the Pyramid Cocktail Lounge as Told by Those Who Lived It

    $55.00 Add to cart
    A narrative and oral history comprising more than 75 interviews with performers and bar boys, doormen and DJs, the book covers the early years of the Pyramid from the time of its founding in 1981 through its rise, near demise and rebirth. Excerpts of more than 50 Pyramid press releases document hundreds of acts who performed there, and photographs and ephemera round out a social history of those gritty and creative times.
    Designed by Jeff Streeper for Modern IDENTITY
    Published by Damiani Books in association with Some Serious Business
    The book is also available for pre-sale in Europe through Damiani Books.
    17.8 x 24 cm | 7 x 9 4/9 inches | 416 pages, 143 color and b&w, flexibound
    ISBN 978-88-6208-816-9 | $55 | €50 | £45
    Publication date: April 30, 2024

Pyramid T-shirt

But Seriously Lithographs

But Seriously is SSB’s benefit print series, featuring artists that use humor and play to shine a light on the cultural, political, and emotional temper of our times. Printed at Derriere L’Etoile Studios, these lithographs are a hybrid print/poster in an Edition of 50 printed on a 100% cotton dinner napkin and are made to be framed or simply push-pinned to the wall. All proceeds to go support SSB’s programming and SSB Away residencies.

not the same old shit Necklace